The Loft of Your Dreams

Home Renovation, Interior

Randy Glazer

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In Atlanta, building a loft above your garage takes time and knowledge, but the end result will be worth the effort. Not only can you use this as an additional storage area, but it is a great place for your children to have friends over. It would be a great place to allow them to invite friends over to hang out and will let them have their own space, as well. Add a few game systems, a stereo and television to the loft and it would be a perfect retreat for a teenager. An additional benefit of building a loft is that it could also be used as an apartment that you could rent out and add extra income.

When you begin the construction process of the new loft, there are many things to consider for which you may want to consult a Atlanta building professional. Such things as the types of materials to use or the safety concerns of the loft should be discussed with the Atlanta construction expert that you choose. Any time that you build an upper floor to an existing structure there will be safety issues that you may need to have an inspection done by authorized zoning specialists. Before you begin, you should also check to make sure that there are no special permits needed and that all safety specs are covered.

If you’ve seen home improvement projects that are done on television, you may think that building a loft is easy. However, the truth of the matter is that there is much more than is shown on the program and it will be quite different when you are doing it yourself. Home renovations are lengthy and can consume more money and time than you originally had planned. That is why it is sometimes more of an advantage to hire an industry leader in Atlanta like the professionals at Glazer Construction to ensure the highest quality of craftsmanship and expertise. It will be worth it when your new dream loft is built and finished.

Let a leader in the construction industry help you build the loft of your dreams. Glazer Construction specializes in all types of construction projects in the Metro Atlanta area. To learn more more about our Atlanta home renovation work which includes a 1-year warranty contact us at 404.683.9848, email or complete our Fast Form below.

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